Monday, April 16, 2012

You're weak if you can't handle a strong woman!

LOL. I laugh every time I think about the men out there who are intimidated by a strong woman. And, yes, they're out there. I'm not putting a race to the face, but we all know them, that is if you yourself are a strong, independent woman-a woman who doesn't need a man to make her happy.

Usually when others hear me say that, all I hear is that if I don't need a man, what's the problem then? Hey, there is a difference between wanting and needing. Any man should be glad that a woman wants him around, not needs him around. Who wants to totally depend on someone else? Not me, I'll tell you that. Yes, I get the whole thing about partnership and I'm all for it, with the right person. Not the idiot who is so insecure reminiscing on what he should have had, could have had and wants to have. That fool who makes excuses for why he is where he is and not where he should be.

I met a guy a couple of months ago who was so lost and uncomfortable in his own skin. We got along great until I realized that he resented me for what he thought I had and the bills he thought I didn't have. This fool was so stuck on watching what I was doing that he started to dislike me. I thought it was so sad to listen to him complain every single time he was around me and compare his life to mine. Dude, you made your choices and I made mine. I'm a woman and you're a man. I will not apologize for my hard work and for my not needing a man to pay my bills and keep me afloat.

Little did this fool know that I was willing to help him be all he thought he could be-ARMY style. Yeah, I'm all about teamwork. I knew how strong we could have been together, had he taken his head out of his ass and stopped measuring his penis to my potential. I find him weak and all like him are weak also. What grown ass man is jealous of the woman they're with? What grown ass man sits around resenting a strong woman for her hard work and accomplishments? What grown ass man says, 'I wish I was like you', 'you can get up and go and I can't', 'you got money like that; I don't', instead of taking the opportunities in front of him for a beautiful partnership where he knew his back was protected and if push came to shove, he had a strong woman who could hold it down until he got back on his feet? Idiot!

But, hey, thank God that fool is outta here. And any other that comes across my path will get the boot also. No hesitation. My man Neyo said it best. Check out the words to the song. I mean, really check them out and if you're one of those weak men I spoke of earlier, maybe this will shine some light on what you're missing out on and what you should appreciate. Too little, too late, however but maybe this will help you for the next independent woman you think of hating on.  Miss Independent Lyrics. You go Neyo! Love this. 


Sardonic Swag said...

You tried sneaking this one by me, but I saw it!!
I do have to agree with you. Men feel, for some reason, that they have to be the bread winner and anything short of that is a failure. NOT all men, but there is a big percentage of them. You are also right in saying you cannot put a race to the face. Black, White, Hispanic, it doesn't matter. A self conscious man is just that irregardless of race, religion or other.
I don't know what is up with this, but I can say with much certainty that it IS foolishness!! It's not like we just won the right to vote. No, we have been able to do so for some time now. For generations we have been out in the work force with our male counter parts helping out with the bills and such.
Ironically, from what I encounter, if a man and a woman approach a door at the same time, the man doesn't always grab the door and hold it open. In fact, I have held a door for many a man with not even a thank you. So they no longer feel the need to hold a door open for gender equality reasons, but when I out earn them, or are on a better track, they are intimidated and resentful?? How does this make any kinda damn sense?!?
I have always been a strong minded woman with my own thoughts and feelings that are hard to manipulate. I was also under the impression that a woman such as myself would be a catch for many men. Not saying I am the best thing that happened since sliced bread, but I was in the mind set that having such a strong woman by his side would make a man proud. Was I ever in the wrong!!
Instead of having a man who is happy to enter into a partnership(key word being PARTNERSHIP) with a woman happy to do her equal share, I have also found that men tend to shy away and look for someone else who is not as accomplished. Crazier part is I am NOT a CEO, COO, Hilary Clinton, or other high ranking official, I am just successful at what I do and am proud to do so. So what is it then?
Do men really prefer a woman they can control? Do they really want us at home all day every day while they go out and work? Should I be wearing a toga so when he comes home and slams down his big stick and throws his catch of the day on the table while muttering the word "meat" I will just grab it, cook it, and afterwards let him have his way with me to just roll over and feel empty inside??? Sorry guys, don't have it in me!
Even sorrier to say there are many women out there who feel the same way I do. We are no longer born and bred to serve you in your every want and need. That went away a long long time ago. We now have minds that think on their own, and we react accordingly.
Yes, we still want your companionship, your friendship, and if we are both lucky enough, your love and respect. But this is a two way street. We cannot be happy with you if you are not happy with yourself and are able to accept role in the partnership.
Being a man does not mean feeling defeated when the woman he is with is more successful in her career/ life path. Being a man entails accepting that your other half is able to support what the two of you are hoping to achieve together.
And for one of the other categories of men out there. Yeah, them stank ass men who think we are here to do everything for them: get the hell up off your lazy ass and do something! I am all about helping out someone, but don't take advantage neither!
To all of those men who are in a partnership with a strong and independent woman, who is happy to be in it 50/50: Thank you for being a MAN..... and do you have a brother, cousin or friend who is just like you????

Test said...

Woooooweeee! NOw, that's a mouthful and what a tasty mouthful that was! YOu hit everything...every damn thing. I feel it is about control. Their insecurities lie in their fears. They don't think they can measure up and so, they go seeking 'weaker' women because the 'stronger' women scare them. Who knows what these jokers are thinking. What I do know is that they're missing out and to be honest, that's lucky for me....because in the long run, I'd be left picking up all the slack and who wants to be in a relationship with a man who doesn't know how to tie his own shoes, moreover mine.

I love your response. And we may have to thumb wrestle for the brother/younger uncle of the one MAN left out there. Girl, it's rough but imagine how much rougher it would be if we accepted the unacceptable, the man who never opens the door for you and thinks your place IS in the kitchen and bedroom. Girl, we're lucky. Lucky, I tell you because I'm too damn strong to deal with foolishness....thus my single status...and what guys need to realize that yes, we may be single but damn it, we're strong enough to find happiness alone-because ultimately, a strong woman is never alone-we make sure we surround ourselves with like minded people and great opportunities that enhance to be stronger women.

Weak ass men, get to stepping and keep on moving. YOu really couldn't handle the likes of us anyway ;-)