Sunday, April 22, 2012

Kiss MY ass for a change!

I just saw and read ‘Think like a man’ and I felt about the movie how I felt about the book. Disgusted! Yes, the movie was hilarious and the cast had my damn hormones in an uproar but….why do we women always have to cater to these men? Why the hell can’t they cater to us? Why can’t our happiness dictate theirs instead of always vice versa? If you want to get married, you have to……blah, blah, blah. If you want him to commit, you have to…..blah, blah, blah. If you want him to be faithful, you have to….blah, blah, blah. If you want him to surprise you with flowers, you have to…blah, blah, blah. If you want him to tell you he loves you, you have to…blah, blah, blah. Sick of it! Why can’t I just be my damn self and that be enough?

I’ve always been a giver. Some may disagree but screw you. I know me. I’ve always been very kind, giving, romantic, creative and as such, my significant other could always count on something fun, romantic, freaky even. That sucka would never be bored. Here’s the catch. I would find myself being the only one thinking up things to do and after a while, it got old. I would get tired of always thinking of things to do, places to go and things to try. There was this one ex….THE EX. He was pretty good with the surprises and I have to give him props. So, shout out to you E. I know you’re sneaking in here and reading my blogs ;-) You always had me with the surprises: the roses, flowers, gifts, outings and I actually miss you for that ;-( Okay, enough of that mess. Let’s not digress.

Just read an article in Cosmo about how women can get their men out of a funk. Nowhere in there was an article about how he could get me out of a funk. And, don’t tell me that men don’t read Cosmo. That’s a damn lie. And, if they don’t, they need to start. Men get stuck in supermarket checkout lines too. I included the article just below here. Read it and tell me what you think.

So, according to the article, in order to keep a happy man, I have to make sure my man is chilled, pumped up, surprised, spaced and fed. To be honest, it’s not a big deal for me to do that but damn, can I girl get some of that back? Can he make sure I’m chilled, pumped, surprised, spaced and fed…not just when it’s Valentine’s day, when I’m mad and you’re trying to make up or because it’s my birthday? Can I get these things ‘just because’? Just saying, or rather, just asking.

I remember back in the days when my young boos would write me little love letters. I miss that. Damn technology but a damper on that; email, texting and sexting took over and men find it hard to even do those things. My young boos would pick a random flower and bring it to me….even if the flower was a weed that would later break out my skin ;-) It was the thought that counted and nowadays, guys don’t really give it a thought…probably because they don’t have to. We don’t ‘require’ them to. And, so, in order for us ladies to get what we want, we have to resort to trickery, ie: Steve Harvey’s ‘Think like a man’. I mean, come on now. It’s not that hard, is it? Nope! And I’ll speak for women as a whole. Ladies, may I?

Is the alternative a better route to take, where you leave her craving those simple things, wanting them from you, not getting them from you and going to someone else for satisfaction and then, here comes your dumb ass, when you realize that you’ve lost her and it could have been avoided, begging her to come back-and she may take you back and guess what you do? The same damn thing and then she gets sick of it and leaves for good. Is that what you really want men? Didn’t think so. So, just step up. Take her out for date night like she’s been asking for for about six months now,  cook for her and light a candle or two, get her those damn flowers she’s been hinting at since dirt was a boy. Write her that sweet email that you know will make her swoon. Buy those inexpensive concert tickets to see that artist she’ll fantasize about while she’d rocking the hell out of your world. Plan that picnic in the park that she’ll do cartwheels about because she’s always wanted to make out with you on the grass. And, best of all, guys, say those words you know will make her melt and give you more power than you know how to deal with. But, make sure you mean it when you say it ;-)

                                   Just saying

Walk good!

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