Monday, April 16, 2012

I'm still here....

...and I'm still single. I've resigned to the fact that I kinda want to be, unconsciously ;-) I keep meeting people who are inaccessible, whether it be mentally, financially or emotionally-actually, in distance too. I don't know if it's a subconscious thing, where I know it won't work so I set myself up or maybe I just hate the thought of someone always being there. Note to self: do a self eval.

So, that's why I've been MIA. I was distracted for a minute with what I like to call, God's test of my patience. But, I finally found release and I'm back baby. And, I can't tell you how good it feels to be back-back to blogging. Back to sharing my thoughts with you all. I've missed you. Did you miss me?

Stay tuned. I got something for your asses and I hope you like it and will continue to follow my blogs. I so love when you do. 


Russo said...

Glad you're back in the moment I found you again! A few thoughts on the obvious (to me at least), you're a wonderful person (always have been), your writing is great (looking forward to more!), and honestly - being single isn't a bad thing (which you have accepted). As humans, I know we yearn for the companionship of a mate, and that's alright, but all in due time. This is YOUR time. Make the most of it, as I see you are doing.

We all have paths in life we must take, make the most of yours!

Test said...

I absolutely adore you and what you may not know it or never did but I'm a mushy fool. Your response brought a lump to my throat. Thanks Carlos. When did you grow up to be such a sensitive, wonderful man!?

Thanks for the uplifting. True, I have embraced my 'singledom'. I know why I"m single...because I refuse to settle for less than what I know will make and keep me happy. In due time, right!? Funny you said that. I have an album on my FB page dedicated to that very premise. Thanks for the love and yes, I'm back and I'll keep the blogs long as you promise to keep reading ;-)