Sunday, April 22, 2012

Is this fool ignoring my texts?

Should you text back?

Seriously dude! I texted you two hours ago and this was after you texted me first. What the hell?!  See now, that makes me mad. What’s this little game you’re playing? Is this a power thing? Are you trying to see if you can get me to jump? Or, were you bored when you sent it and now, you magically found something that’s occupying your time? Whatever the case, it’s getting on my damn nerves. Did you not read my blog, ‘My ID, your EGO’? Well, get on it and then, maybe you’ll see where I’m coming from ;-)

So, ladies, we like immediate gratification. We’re those people who are working online and have to click the refresh button for instant updating. That progress bar that stays on 74% for too long drives us crazy. I know it does for me. I want it and I want it now!! So, that overdue text isn’t going to work for me and if you do it to me, I’m doing it back to you so you can see what it feels like. Call me petty or childish. I don’t really give a damn. It’s a matter of respect. My time is precious and I don’t have it to waste, waiting on a response to something you initiated in the first place. So, if it takes you two days to respond to my asking when you want to meet up because you asked me out, I’m taking six days to respond to your text asking me if you can come over tonight. I’m cheeky. Oh well!

Here are a few scenarios, ladies where you don’t have to think about whether you should text him back or not: Holla at ya girl and please add your own to the list. I love input.

So, what’d you think? Makes sense. I think so. Don’t need a manual to figure these out, guys. So, get your fingers out your ass and off the damn PS3 remote and respond to my damn text messages. LOL!!!

Just saying

Walk good ;-)

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