Friday, September 30, 2011

~Some say the EX makes the sex spec-ta-cu-lar....I say, bunk that! Leave that mess alone!!!

Biggie Smalls is still the Illest!

The ex texted me today. No, not any ex-boyfriend. THE EX! The only person I have ever adored to the point of pure insanity and the only person I probably ever will care for that way again. It's been two years now, almost, since THE END but only a year and a half since I saw him last. I know a year and a half seems like a long time to not see someone but in this case, it's not long enough. After six years, you need at least two to break free in your own head and honestly say you're FREE to love again. As a matter of fact, it took me two years to break up with him. When you're that involved with someone, when they are that much a part of you, just saying it's over doesn't make it so. It takes planning. It takes lies, it takes downright devious behavior to truly get someone you love out of your life for good. Am I free? I am. I can truly say that...unequivocally! As long as I never see him again ;-) LMAO! Just kidding! (All jest, no truth here)

So, what did he want? Not a damn thing. He wanted to ask how I was, tell me he loves me, that I'm still the best (at everything-duh, I know that-took him to not have me to realize) and to tell me how he's doing and that he misses me and he'll be in town for a few days next month and would like to see me. He tends to do this every few months or so (It used to be scary because he lived fifteen minutes away but he's now moved to another state-at my behest, no less). Gone are the days, however, where I would look forward to that call or text. Gone are the days when I'd long for our on again, off again escapades. I'm too old for that mess. An ex is an ex is an ex-and an ex should remain just that-an ex, not an ex-change nor an ex-pansion nor an ex-perience, nor should they get an ex-planation, nor should you share an ex-periment or an exploration. An ex should be an ex-traction, an ex-termination, an exclamation, an ex-haustion! It's not easy, I know. Ultimately....


So, what do you do when you can't seem to move on? Well, the rule of thumb is to know that you can and will, in time. Fight through the tears and sleepless nights. Struggle through the endless emotions and reminiscing. Wrestle the reminders, the comparisons. This too shall pass. What you don't want to do is the classic 'rebound' because one of three things could happen: you end up hurting them (the new person), you end up getting hurt or you end up being an unplanned parent :-) If you're not ready, or you're just not sure...take some time for you-get to know you again, the you you were before the ex...the you you used to love before the ex came along...the you you will be again once you're over the ex.
How do I know when that has happened? That I'm over him/her?

Believe it or's possible. With time and a new love interest.

"I see you got married or are at least engaged," he said. I asked him why he said that and was told that he saw a picture where I had a ring on my 'ring' finger. I neither denied nor confirmed his assumption. Two reasons-I didn't want him to think that I was sitting around waiting for him (like I thought I always would-he told me so many times that we'd always be together, regardless-what the hell does that mean?) and I didn't want him to think the door was open for him to come back in (like he always did for years). So, I let him think whatever he wanted to and I also hoped that he had created an extensive, elaborate story about how I got engaged or married ;-)
It used to bother me that I wasn't engaged or married. When HE and I first broke up, I was hell bent on finding someone to move on with, someone to replace him. I went about it all wrong. I ended up breaking hearts (yes, me) and wasting time with people I normally wouldn't give a second look. Okay, maybe it wasn't a waste of time. I now feel and see that each person I came across served a purpose and had a reason for that season-and in their own way, they helped me get past that 'dangerous love and obsession I swore I would never get over.' So, thank you guys :-) Ya did good!!!! And I am so sorry if I am now a horrible memory you can't shake :-(   But, like I said, it USED TO bother me that I wasn't engaged or married. Now, I know that it just wasn't my time yet. People used to date me. No, not take me out but tell me that I should have been this or I should have been that by now. Well, hey, maybe I could have but I don't believe that I should have becasue it would have been with the wrong person. God is still working on my fella and I'll know him when HE finds me ;-)

So, how will you know Kelz? Well, you know what, I may not know by first sight or for the first few weeks or months for that matter but I'll know....I'll know, because he'll know and he'll show me. I don't have a list of requirements anymore like I used to (that's what kept me from settling down-and I don't regret having that long ass list). I have 'refined' that list to include what is most important to me: humor, ambition, pride, extrovertedness, a love for the Dexmiester, goal oriented, he has to be open to experiment, to travel, to listen. He has to want a family and be able to get along with mine. He has to love Monk and Psych :-) or at least be open to watching them with me and pretending to love Shawn, Gus and Adrian ;-) He has to be over HIS EX-completely. He has to be appreciative of me and my attempts at making him happy. He has to want to make me happy, has to be giving and kind. He has to be creative and romantic. He has to want to make me happy (wait, did I say that already?-it's that important). He has to be comfortable in his own skin-so much so that he can be himself with me, knowing that I will accept and love him for him. He must respect me and readily express his feelings for me. No, dude, you don't have to wait for me to tell you 'I love you' first. When you feel it, say it, damn it! If you feel it on our first date, say it! Our first sleep over, say it! If you miss me, yell it! If you can't wait to see me, exclaim it! Wanna drop me a love note? Please go for it. I love stuff like that. Make me that CD like people did in high school. Send me that love note, check yes or no ;-)  If you can't stand to be away from me, don't wait for an invitation or permission-come to me! In other words, he'll know to be aggressive, to demand my attention and hold it-to do whatever it takes to make that stamp. And I know he will because I will too.

 My ex contacted me today and I couldn't be happier. I couldn't be happier to be able to communicate with him knowing that he couldn't faze me-not because it's been so long but because someone else has my attention at this time. Would things have been different if I didn't have a boothang/a new interest? Uhm, honestly, I don't know. It all depends on where my mindset would have been if someone else was not occupying my thoughts. Let me clarify-for the past eight months, I've been on cloud 9. I've found myself again. I've been genuinely happy. But, in that eight months, I had 'company'-temporary company but company nontheless-and so, had my ex called, I could have easily dismissed him. They say, the best way to get over someone is to get under someone else. I'll tell you what, there is some truth to it, if you get under the right person at the right time. You don't have to have someone to get over someone else but it sure helps/helped. And again, big shout out to.... and ...... You were there for me to show me that it was possible to give a crap again to care again, to possibly love again.


And, now that I'm past all that and over the hooplah of the ex, I'm open and ready to give it another go...when the time is right....when the right person comes along. I wonder if he already has ;-) If he's Mr. Right here, right now, he's got his work cut out for him but those who traveled before you have made your task a lot easier, trust me. I've gone from having that wall all the way up with barbed wires and broken bottles on the top to having the wall up but the gate open ;-) So, come on in but while you're in, don't feel entitled. Don't take advantage. Don't misinterpret my kindness for weakness. Don't mistake me being greedy for your attention and your time for me being needy. Two completely different things-don't get it twisted hombre. I give you attention because you're making me tingle, you're massaging my cerebellum, your tantalizing my senses. So realize who I am and what I bring and know that what you've got has the potential to cause fireworks. I am 'all that' and don't take advantage of the here and now because you keep looking back to the then and once was. An ex is an ex for a reason-can't you read!? It didn't work for a reason and that reason still remains and while you're wasting time, convincing yourself you two are just on a break-you're losing out on what you could have right now. And besides, how disrespectful is it to lead someone on, having them think it's all about them (spending all your time with them, going on dates, conversing hours on end, making future plans, sharing hopes, dreams and desires). Karma is a bitch and that bitch was burned my HER ex ;-) You don't wanna mess with that chick!

So, if you're in a 'relationship' that you think is just for the time being, get the hell out now before you ruin someone for someone else because you're selfish and unsure. And for goodness sake, if you start digging each other, don't fight the feeling because you promised yourself you wouldn't care or love 'like that' again. Go for it! This just may be THE ONE-the LAST ONE!

But, most importantly, leave your drama at the door. Get over yours before you enter because once you leave, if you foolishly do (thinking you want what you already had and lost), there's no coming back and yes, you will regret it. They always do and I always am ready to remind you of what you had WHEN you call or text to tell me 'I'm still the best'  :-)

Holla at ya girl ;-)

As all ex'es should be!

"If you find someone with whom you can laugh, someone who puts you to sleep with a memory and wakes you up with anticipation, whose smell still lingers in your nares, whose voice forces a smile, who evokes feelings you thought were dead, who makes you sad because they're not beside you to make you happy....when you are lucky enough to be given that 2nd/3rd/4th chance to find someone like let go of the past and you hold on to the hope of that future. You hold on for dear life!" ~Kelly-Ann Fleming~

What do others have to say about this?

How do you know when you're over your ex and ready to move on: 

I remember those days :-)

1. Thinking about your ex less: you realize that you’re no longer thinking of your ex all the time and no longer torturing yourself about what could have been. Even when you do think about your ex from time to time (which is perfectly normal), it doesn’t make you feel sad, angry, hurt, bitter, etc. You may remember the goods times you’ve shared without bursting into tears.
2. Plotting: You’ve accepted that you and your ex are not getting back together, and you’ve stopped praying for reconciliation.
3. Music: You can listen to music that reminds you of your ex without being an emotional wreck. And not all love songs remind you of your ex anymore.
4. Pictures: You can look at old pictures of you and your ex with a sort of detachment. Sure, you may still feel a bit sentimental, but you are not bursting into tears thinking about the good old days, and any setback you feel is brief.
5. Ending the race: You don’t feel the need to prove anything to your ex, e.g., wishing to bump into your ex to show off a hot new “replacement” so that you can prove that you’ve moved on.
6. Not taking revenge: You’re pleased, or at least indifferent, when you hear that you’re ex is doing well, and you’re not secretly celebrating your ex’s misfortune.
7. Looking for him/her wherever you go: You don’t look into shops, bars, or other places where you ex might be, hoping to run into him/her. If you do run into your ex, though, and your heart races a little, it apparently does not mean that you are not over him/her.
8. Revisiting former haunts: You are able to go back to places where you and your ex used to go, which you have been avoiding since the split.
9. Your ex having sex …. with someone else: You can picture your ex having sex with someone else or being in a relationship with someone else, and it doesn’t make you hurt, angry, jealous, or extremely emotional.
10. Reading their horoscope: You’re no longer reading your ex’s horoscope and obsessing over your ex.



PhilaHoodlum said...

Food for thought and very insight full. I couldnt begin to tell you how i got over my ex's but you laid it all out and i appreciate that. Definetly worth the read. You got a fan.

Anonymous said...

Ha! Luv it...all the emotions coming out and then stepping back to say "yep, no regrets". Ahhhhhh girl!
Some of us (yeah me) go another route - cleansing... for a year I took the time to get back to knowing me - what I liked, wanted to do...found I missed the relationship I had with myself...haven't broken up with me since! (fingers crossed!!!) ~ Sim

Anonymous said...

I love this so much...You have said everything I wanted to express...thank you and I will be quoting you on FB.:-)
-Roberta D.

Anonymous said...

I'm still waiting for the blog that will bore me! Ha! U did it again (at the risk sounding "Britney-esque"). Chile puhleeze! I've always been a late bloomer cuz I'm so risk-averse and it aint no diff re: MY EX, THE EX! 3 and a half years and it feels like yesterday, all the love and all the hurt. Not sure I believe that time thing. My convictions prevent me from getting under someone new altho I think that it might have worked. It is true what u said, don't short-change someone new when u know u can't fully commit. Becuz I know I can't commit on that level (while I wait for this time that they say heal all wounds), I stay away from any kind of conversation that even starts going down that road. I avoid phone calls and cut convos short and it prob gives the impression that I think I am better than ppl and that is so far from the truth. Think this late bloomer thing is gonna take me way past 5 years, maybe closer to 10. Then when am I going to have my daughter? Sniff, sniff. But maybe that's not meant to be either. Am trying to be accepting. Very hard. Esp when THE EX is of the "husband" variety. I can't deal w the communication. Had to cut that cold. No talking, no texting. Zilch! Don't tell me say u see him anywhere doing anything. Don't want to know. My imagination is wild enough, thank you. Wish there were a button, a switch, a tap, To turn off this faucet of love that I've got. Flowing unhindered into a well, that has no bottom to trap its full swell...I do crap like this on a whim. 3 and a half years and almost 70 poems later, I have to be forcing myself to stop! It can't be healthy. Lawks! But you know what, I take solace in the fact that I KNOW that I am a late bloomer so everything for me just takes a little longer. So it WILL happen! Mr Time prob just making him way from the far East, dealing with all those other broken-hearted ppl! I shouldn't be selfish! He'll get here eventually! Besides, for now, I am thirtysomethingsingleandsensational! Booyah! -StacianDavidSpen

Test said...

Sim, you see me?! I'm in love right now, in a great relationship, where laughter, respect and sheer bliss is at the forefront-I'm in a love relationship with ME and man, ME treats ME well. ME is always there to listen and help. ME is the bomb and ME knows that it will take to get to know ME even more in depth. Girl, you get it. You get it! You feel me. Like I tell my female compadres and male for that matter, it takes time to get over someone who had become a part of your DNA. Time and effort and the realization that the pain will go away. Girl, don't get me started...let me chill.

Appreciate the support lady...really do! Gimme a shout out on your page please....if it's not too much to ask. <3

Test said...

Roberta D, please do quote me on FB and while you do that, uhm, kinda put up the blog addie (trying to elicit readers and traffic to my page).

Glad you love it. Love the support <3

Test said...

StacianDavidSpen: Listen here lady, don't let me have to call in reinforement. Simi! You are being beckoned.

It takes time. It takes time. It takes time! Trust me. Have I lied to you yet? LOL. It doesn't happen overnight. YOu didn't fall in love with him overnight, nor did you have your son overnight, nor did you guys grow apart overnight, so the pain won't go away overnight....not even a forthnight for that matter :-)

It took me two years to plot and get him gone and here I am almost two years later blogging about him. Had it been a year ago, I'd be blogging about something different...about how the pain will never go away, all whoa is me....I'm the only one hurting....blah, blah blah. I wrote the poems and the book and still the pain stayed. It took time, realization and acceptance. I went through DABDA-Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression and finally Acceptance. Trust ya girl! It goes away. Unfortunately, there is not set time and for everyone, it's different. Sure, it may take you 5 yrs, maybe 10 but then again, you may find love again in 1 or find you again in six months. It's about realizing that this, like any pain or disappointment you've ever face, will go away. You heal, you move on.

When my brother died in 2000, nobody could tell me that I would get over that pain. I locked myself away for 3months, no exaggeration and I wrote my first book. I released all that pain on paper and though it didn't just stop the bleeding, it sure put some good old pressure on the wound. And now, I can think fondly of him and cry but the tears are different now. These tears are tears of happy memories and joy.

So, buck up, keep writing and keep sending me those poems to read. I know how that goes. But, for goodness sake, go out with your son and have mummy and me time....and have just you time. I'm gonna have to refer you to my cousin -she's off the chain. Now, that's one strong broad who has taken a divorce and said, 'bunk that', I'm better off. He gave her a wonderful son and now, HE's her everythang...yes, I said 'thang'.

I wish I was closer to where you are.....but alas! This is something you must do on your own and on your own time. Now, when this too passes, you better come back and say, "Dag Kelz, you were right and I'm so much better for it."

I'm waiting....... (Jeopardy music playing in the background)

jabarooo said...

i like this laid back and informative

Test said...

Sometimes, I'm slow and easy Jabba :-)

Anonymous said...

You hit so many key points regarding my ex, all I could do was shake my head and laugh. You really wrote a great blog, I love it and keep them coming because I am reading them all. How often do you posts your blogs?

Test said...

Thanks Anonymous. I try. I try to blog at least once a week. Depending on who's pissing me off that week, it may be twice or three times. J/K. I'm really not!

Please come on back and if you would like to have an email sent to you when there's a new one, go ahead and sign up for that or join the group at the top (I'd actually like that. It makes it seem as if I have a good, regular crowd of people ;-)

Thanks....and come on back.

Marcia said...

Long but worth the read. As always Kelly you never disappoint :) So many valid points. A lot of people need info like this. It is amazing how crushed you can feel in the face of a break up. We've all been there! But again... good one.

Test said...

Yay! Marcy!!!! So happy you finally commented. Glad you like ;-) I try! And spread the news, why don't you (since ppl need info like this).

sardonicswag said...

A lil late to the party but here I am!!!!
Ah Miss Warrior, the Ex Mess.. Sigh. The one thing that gets even the toughest and best of us. What can take a perfectly happy person and turn them into a hot mess... The one thing that everyone has in common: The EX..
The Ex mess is not easy to describe in a few words or emotions. And for those out there with a Tex Mex(Texas sized ex mess), my heart goes out to you, as well as these words of advice: In time you WILL heal and with support and love from those you know best, you WILL get back up on the proverbial horse(just be careful to choose a stallion, not the bucking bronco!)
You have brought up soo many good points I do not even know where to go from here. But to say everyone takes everything differently, and every situation is different.
The one thing I will highlight is the amount of time you took to "do away" with them. I used to think that we hang on mostly due to weakness(and that is still true in some cases), but I have come to believe that we hang on as a part of the closure process(sub consciously).. Hanging on and trying to keep it going to please the other just proves in the end that it will not work. If you gave it your all, did everything to try to make it work and it didn't, then let it go. Yes, relationships ARE hard work, but it should not be THAT HARD. And if, in the end, you KNOW there was nothing that could have saved what you once had, then relax. This will help make the closure all that more real, and will allow you to move on with real certainty that you ARE over the ex.
But the ex,even the most horrific, is not all bad. Without that person in our life, we never would have learned the lesson that life experience taught us(hopefully we emerged stronger in the end). The Ex is one way we learn who we are and what we want in a certain part in our lives. It is a way we can get to know the inner us, the part of us that loving so deeply can only teach. But do not loose yourself in the process, that is when a good learning experience becomes detrimental to your mental and emotional well being.
And remember, sometimes it just is not meant to be. Just because two good people get together it does not mean they are good for each other.I know this sounds cliche, but as a person coming out of a marriage I can say this knowing it is the full truth. Sometimes you ARE better without the other person. My Ex will fully agree with this. There is nothing that can, or could have, been done to change this. Things happen in life that we cannot predict. Situations change, EVERYTHING changes. That does not mean we all change the same. The one thing we can do about it is to take what we have leaned from it, and move on.
But please people do not, I say again, DO NOT move on if you are not ready!!! If you are not fully over the Ex, then take the time to do so. Research Elizabeth Kubler Ross's stages of grief(as as outlined by Ms. Warrior) and go through them. Do not go for the rebound random one night stand(please see my post from her previous blog on this one- no bueno).
The most important things you can take from this is that in time all will be as it was before. And never date anyone who cannot get down with Shawn, Gus and Adrian ;)...

Stay strong my friends!! Because you can be thirty, single AND sensational!

And Road Warrior I must commend you for your bravery of putting yourself out there for all of us to read..

Test said...

Sardonic, I was missing you girl. I just got done with the next blog and so, I'm sorry, I must respond to yours tomorrow. I would hate to disrespect you by trying to respond tonight.

But, in response to your last statement, you know I"m an open book.


Test said...

Okay, so, right after I wrote my response telling you I'd respond tomorrow, I realized I had to read it and once I read your response Sadonic, you know I had to respond.

GiiiirrrrlllL! I love when you respond to my blogs. I said, I love when you respond to my blogs. Wait, listen up: I LOVE WHEN YOU RESPOND TO MY BLOGS!

I open up in these blogs for a few reasons: it's a release. I love to write and I've been slacking. It allows others to know they're not alone. My blogs allow for sharing of thoughts and ideas. These blogs allow strangers to voice their opinions and share. And, these blogs give us all something to read (yes, I read them over and over again-and I keep my eye out for new responses).

That damn EX. We all have them and we hate to love them. But, we all must realize that they are exes for a reason. Like you said, learn from the ex and next time, get a stallion, not a bronco (we see what happened to O.J) Just kidding. But, seriously though. Those broncos are sexy to look at but the buck and throw? Sometimes we can't/don't heal from those.

I'm glad you understand the whole, 'holding on' to let go. I stayed with this dude for six years and two of the six were spent trying to get him gone. And it took serious work. In that two years though, I realized my limits and I learned so much from him. In fact, I loved him most in those two last years while I plotted to get him gone-and that's why now, when/if he calls, I can breathe-I no longer throw up.

Yes Sardonic, each relationship is different. Some come with lies, abuse, infidelity-while some just fade without any negativity. Time just wore out. I can only imagine how it feels to end a marriage. Well, actually, I don't have to imagine. Don't shoot me but I think marriages are no more special than a serious relationship. The only thing is that the relationship does not come with the old ball and chain-the paperwork-the legalities ;-) All in all, the seperation hurts just the same. The time to heal takes time. The hatred and anger still subsides and the love is still locked away in the crypts of our hearts, only to be aroused by someone new, if we're lucky.

We learn from each relationship and if you can say you didn't, from your last, you wasted that time and were blinded by the physical instead of the mental. You did bad!!! Next time around, get a notebook and take notes.

Sardonic, my friend, oh, how you stressed the importance of taking time for yourself to get over it-DO NOT do the rebound. It's not fair, nor will it do any good, to you or the person who will ultimately be hurt. Sigh!

And, I know I said I would never love that way again. I do not take that back. I will never love like that again. I'll love more carefully. I'll love better. I'll love in a more healthy fashion. I'll love more freely, because I know what my heart can take and I know how much I can give. Thank God for THE EX. Shout out to RB. I know he'll see this but.....

Sardonic, we got this. We can do it! We will do it! We'll love again, but only when it's right/with the right person. Keep ya head up and love you, for now, until HE comes along to love you like you deserve to be loved.


Rose said...

Wow Kelly, I couldn't have said it better my self. I love it. I am just sitting back and marinating on all the words.

Test said...

Rose, thanks. Really appreciate it ;-)