Wednesday, May 2, 2012


        Totally Enamored

Is it possible to love one person all your life? To have been in love with them when you were too young to know what love was? To have loved that person through other loves? To have had that part of your heart lay dormant, in wait for that person's return? To have that fire reignited after many years of no contact? Is that possible? Is it possible to want nothing more than that one person from now until the end of time? To get choked up, tears filling your eyes as you think of their smile? To yearn for their touch and taste so much that you lose your breath at the thought? To realize that what you thought was love all these years was just a prelude to its true existence? Is it possible? Is it possible that one person's smile can make you smile and cry at the same moment? That the sound of their voice can warm your skin and give you chills all at once? That when you close your eyes, that darkness you see is the inside of their soul? That the beating of your heart, beats in direct unison with theirs? That each and every one of your 12,876 thoughts a day are of them? That you feel so nauseous every moment you think they're not thinking of you? That as you sleep, silent tears fall as you dream about them? Is that possible? Is it really possible that they may not be right beside you but you can smell them and their smell wafts from your nostrils to your brain and leaves a permanent scar on your olfactory nerve? Is that possible? Is that kind of emotion possible? Is that kind of passion sound or sane? Is it?


cherryjuice3/30 something single and loving it too said...

Wow that's some deep shit girl...I believe that kind of love can exist only if you truly allow yourself to love. As independent mature women we have all had those feelings at least once in our lifes, but we were taught to control them as they only make us seem weak...but that in essence is what love is out of control feeling

Test said...

And it's sickening girl. Leaves you feeling helpless. As you're filled with happiness, you're so scared. At least once, huh? Yep! And we all hope that we only have to do it once. Only the lucky get that twice ;-) What a calamity!

Thanks for stopping by. Hope you keep doing so ;-)

PhilaHoodlum said...

They say as with men we only love that hard once. And once we feel the pain from it going away we close up not completely but allowing just enough to get our feelings across. Sounds messed up but its not in our genetics to allow emotional wounds especially deep ones to every open again. Funny how when we are young love is instinct and drug like. As we grow up it turns into the definition we hear about on the radio which if you listen isn't about love anymore. The emotions you spoke of is honestly the every man's dream to feel that way and know they are getting that in return but we will never admit it damn masculinity lol.

Test said...

So, Mr. Hoodlum, nobody knows more than I do how hard you can love. I just wish that the person you love that much loves you back just as much if not more. I believe that true love does exist. I honestly do and I also believe that we were put on this earth to love each other, one person made just for you. I'll find mine and I pray that you've found yours or will.

Guys are tough. They hold so tight to their masculinity that they often times lose out on the goodness of love. Only after they've lost that 'someone' do they realize and by then, it's too late.

I'm sending you some hugs and love my love....because I do love you and you know that. Yep! I can say it just like that. Why hide it?

Anonymous said...

Damn!!!! Wow!! Lawks Kellz, me haffi go sleep after this one! Tuff! We really only love like this once! Mine has come and gone. Sooo glad yours is coming at a time when you can weigh head vs heart. People think I'm crazy to still feel for this fool, but what's a girl to do?
12, 876 thoughts huh? We gotta love you!!!
I have felt these emotions. I will not be ashamed to own them even at this point. You have seen some of my poems girl, aint nothing more real than true love. I think to deny it at all is foolish! If I denied it, even after I no longer share it with this person, I would not be true to myself.
My heart is overjoyed for you. Everyone should feel that way at least once in their life. Twice, God's def got ur back!!
I agree with the other folks, our sense of self-preservation will not allow us to open old wounds so we will rationalize and explain away things to stay in control. I say, to heck with it! Lose it!
I want to meet someone who will make me want to open up those wounds, make me want to find all those pieces of my broken heart and get some crazy glue and stick that ish back together, make me want to give my all again!!!
Chances are, it won't happen! That doesn't mean I can't want it!! #justsaying
It is I, StacianDavidSpencer