Sunday, September 4, 2011

Yes, I went to New York....alone! Why is that so weird?

I do a lot of things alone. Wait, I do everything alone. When you're single and independent, you either can't find anyone who can spare the time or spare the money. Nope, I don't have kids either, so all my money is MY money. I do love that, I won't lie but there are times, I wish I had a little two-legged critter to take with me or someone who could understand how I am and still want to come along for the ride. Thought I'd had that but you know how it think you've found a partner but then reality reveals itself and only one person is trying. Like I said, I don't have that kind of time to waste. If I let you in, trust'll love being there. Just hang in there and understand that I am UNIQUE.
But, I digress. I'm Kelly, over thirty and single. Not the sad single you hear about on the news or watch on sitcoms. I'm okay with being single, simply because I wouldn't be okay with being in a relationship that was making me miserable. I consider myself luckier than many. I don't have to deal with the abuse, the lies, the badgering, the unsurity but I also don't get the family time,those sweet phonecalls (the ones I actually want from the person I actually want them from) the warm body and the 'honey, I'm home.'

Not sure why it bothers me today. I lie. I do know exactly why today but I won't get into that. I'll tell you about the eye-opener I got in NY, in another post (gotta keep you wanting more). Let me tell you about the good part of my trip to NYC. I'd lived in NY for 18 years and moved to Atlanta five years ago. I finally went back, with a little coaxing from someone who'd made quite an impact on my life....but again, long story. I told you I went to NY alone, was there alone, for the most part and I left alone too.
I had a good time. I treated myself to a great hotel, sushi at Blue Fin, another Cirque Du Soleil (Zarkana-the best one yet-thanks for telling me it was in town, Duane). I walked all of Manhattan at night and took countless pictures, all by myself and it wasn't so bad. However, I left NY feeling a little sad but definitely refreshed (had a good night's sleep-so needed). I wish I'd gotten that ostrich burger though, that I'd been craving for five years but I couldn't remember where the spot was and I didn't want to go alone. The plan was to go with......doesn't matter.  Random thought.

Now, I'm back home in Atlanta, getting ready to fly out to work tomorrow and we'll see what I can get into this week, probably nothing much-a movie here or there. I might go to that outlet a coworker told me about. I WILL definitely treat myself to something from Tiffany's-never done that. I'll try to leave my 'tough girl' suit at home this week.  Maybe I can get out of singlehood if I don't appear so abrasive (not sure why people think I'm unapproachable-I'm always smiling) Not that there is a rush to be 'un-single'. I know God is working on my guy so that he is perfect for me. And, in the meantime, HE's given me the means to enjoy me, do me, get to know me, be me. Here I go! Wish me luck and stay tuned.


Anonymous said...

What's the word?

Kelly said...

I know you guys have something to say....

Anonymous said...

Cheers to being thirty somthing, single and sensational... Damnit I just gave away my real age ;)... The girls from Sex n the city have nothing on you girl... Keep writing and be patient. People WILL read!!

sardonicswag said...

And for the record, I DO know you and would go with you anywhere, provided I had the money and time off ;).... Until then, keep writing Ms. Swagalicious!

Test said...

Sardonicswag: I'm loving the name. You go ahead with your bad self.

Test said...

Ladies, and I'm presuming you're all ladies, it's a tough road but I know it will all work out, just as it should.

sardonicswag said...

It's my new name I am givin a go..Thoought you might like it.. Btw, I am anonymous right above my last post... Gots to show love n support for my girl!

Anonymous said...

After spending time by yourself doing the things you want to do you will have so much to share about your journey when you find the 2 legged bold time waits on on no one - do you aand have a blast! -Simi

Anonymous said...

as posted on my Facebook page - Simi :

U write so well but I hope u find love and the 2 legg handbag(child) u mentioned in ur blog they are a joy sometimes when they are not being fussy lol enjoy ur job and don't settle miss independent.

Anonymous said...

as posted on my Facebook page - Simi:

Honest blog...

Anonymous said...

Think I'll still be chewing this mouthful in October! Lol! Tuff! Hate doing stuff by myself! Me jus feel fool (well, fool-er!). U go girl! Like I said, I wouldn't even know where to begin commenting! Gimme a few weeks.

Test said...

Alright, few weeks given. Now what? :-)