Monday, September 5, 2011

I've heard you have to kiss a few frogs before.....

Okay, seriously with the frog kissing already! Getting tired of it. Pretty soon, I'm gonna get warts because I keep running into real toads. I'm a patient person, a happy person, a very non-judgmental person (contrary to popular belief) and I know that 'all things in due time'.

So, today, I was told I was UNIQUE.Here's how I took that. "Kelly, you're different. You're a little tough to handle but one can tell that you have lots to offer and will not stand for mediocrity. You don't just love just to love. You don't just go for anyone simply because they're nice or make you laugh. Kelly, you want it all or nothing." Well, that's what I got out of it. Not sure if that's what he was going for but that's how I'd sum ME up.

Am I a catch? Damn right I am. If I don't think so, how can I expect anyone else to? I'm hilarious, ambitious, intelligent, creative, loving, kind; did I say funny? I'm fun, romantic, witty, beautiful, inside and out and most of all, modest ;-) And that's just off the top of my head. Ladies, listen, you MUST put yourself on a pedestal. It allows the guys to know where you expect to be. Let them aim high and come up to your level. Never go down to theirs-for two reasons: You show that you're worthy and you help him elevate his standards and goals. A definite win-win, right?

I keep meeting fellas, few I'd call potentials, few I let it. I know most of it is me but guess what? I will not change just to say I'm in a relationship. I'm UNIQUE, remember? So, work with me. I know that nothing but good could come from a union with me-if you can get past the moat that is my personality and independence. I will make it clear that I don't need you but want you. You don't have to take care of me, but it would be nice to know that you want to or that if ever I needed you to, you would and could.

Don't get me wrong. I know I've been a frog for some. They've had to go through me to find their princess and I'm glad I could be that learning experience. I know that not everyone will love/like me and be able to or want to tolerate my abrasiveness. And, guess what? I'm okay with that too. All I ask is that you be honest and say so. We're all grown here and, in the least, we may be able to form a friendship from the broken, right? Well, in an ideal world, we could. That's one of the biggies with me. Don't pretend to be something you're not just to impress. Don't assume that because you got me to let down my wall a little that it means you can just stop trying. Uh uh! Gentlemen, always continue to do what you used to do to get the woman in the first place. Stop getting comfortable once you 'think' you've got her. Sheesh!

So, I'm stepping out into the swamp that is the world, in the hope that the next frog I kiss will be my prince. Enough already.


Anonymous said...

me first me first :)) (hope!)
Yes, not everyone will love you, or even like you (did I see that on your page) but the one who does will appreciate your every gift and flaw. Isn't it what makes us most likeable that really irks people sometimes? - Simi

PS loving the Princess and the Frog :))

Anonymous said...

Girl, I have never met anyone with the heart or personality that you have. Yes, we have both kissed frogs and princes. But one thing stays true. No matter which they are, if they are not the one, they are not the one. Just do NOT LET THEM CHANGE WHO YOU ARE!! You are special and unique. When the perfect man comes around you will know. just be patient girl!! Until then, just have fun! -sardonicswag

Anonymous said...

I'm happy to hear that there is someone who enjoys being single, I have much to learn from you because I am newly single and it stinks! I am strong,fearless woman at most times but at times when it is quiet and the world has gone away, my heart still yearns to be the center of someone's world. :-(

Test said...

Anonymous, I didn't say I love being single. I'm just saying it's okay. I love being with me and I refuse to let anyone take advantage of my kindness and if that means that I'll be single for a while longer, so be it. I know what I want and what I don't want. So, hang in there and know that God has someone just for you. Be patient. For now, make yourself the center of your world. Much love <3

Test said...

Simi, you already know that they have to take me as I am. I have no problem adjusting to meet the needs of another but I will not compromise myself for the sake of saying I've got someone. So, I'll wait....I'll wait....I'll wait.

Test said...

Sardonicswag (whoever you are;-): You are the bomb! Thanks for the compliment. Why aren't you a man? Why? Why?

jabarooo said...

u over thirty with a degree and single ..?? Your king possibly walked by when you were busy with your career....Expect your king to have alot of baggage like children and an ex-wife..look out for child support and alimony..oh so he has to be successful?good luck finding that quality time with he who survives this depression...your firm stance on your expectations expect competition from less educated women more inclined to compromise..and for a woman of african lineage in the west ..60% of the would be prospects are either dead or incarcerated,expect a mate of a different tribe.. my recommendation find a pole and remember ur whola whoops before u find urself writing about being over 40 and single..

Anonymous said...

Road Warrior:
Dag Jabba-I read it and had to read it again. I've heard that mantra before. I'm going to have to settle! No, I don't. Who made those rules. You mean to tell me that there are no men left out there, single, successful and without baggage? C'mon now. Let's get serious! And I never said I wanted perfection. I just said I'm not settling for mediocrity. Why would I put up with a dude who has no job and has no intentions on finding one....a man who just wants to sit around and smoke weed and play videogames? Not this chica. Like I said, I'm not sad, just single and single doesn't mean I don't get my fair share of attention. To be honest, I'm open to looking at every other tribe, as long as the tribesman is ambitious enough to want to be the leader and not just a follower. I'm strong and I want strong...he's out there. I want passion...he's out there. I want funny...he's out there. So, don't tell me that I may end up 40 and single if I don't 'settle'. If it comes to that, guess what? I'll be forty and even more successful and educated. Educated enough to know that I'm worthy and that mediocre settles for mediocrity.
Kelly (firm stand)

Sherie said...

I am loving this... you know i will follow you... All my life i have been planning and preparing myself, i remembered that i wanted to have children so bad, i usually get depressed when i see the ones who don't want them get them... and one thing that i always remembered that everything in its time... although i wanted them the lord was not ready for me to have them and when i met my husband... that was when i got them... the lord did not put us here by ourselves... our soul mates were also created and if we keep looking in the wrong place and keep running after MR RIGHT NOW we will never find MR RIGHT... stay unique and don't SETTLE!!

jabarooo said...

COMPROMISE.. Jabba said nothing about SETTLE.....since u on the word settle ....remember when u find mr right u will SETTLE down with weary of the conflict of LEFT and RIGHT brain...

Test said...

Sherie, I love your post. I agree that there is a mate for everyone and like I said, mine is still being 'made over'. I'll wait. And till then, I won't settle, so as not to ruin what I anticipate will be extraordinary.

Test said...

Jabba, I feel you on the left and right brain. I got this. I'll be ready. And I like what you said about me having to 'settle-settle down' when I find my Mr. Right!

Rose said...
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Rose said...

More of a question than a comment. You suggested that guys "Stop getting comfortable once you 'think' you've got her." So I wanted to know do you ever get comfy once you "got" a guy??? I find that women, make demands from men but they are not willing to do the same. I am talking about the place in the "relationship/courting/sexual encounter" where the female stop wearing thongs because the granny panties are more comfy, they put on that dirty head scarf to go to bed instead of letting their hair down because it is convenient, and should I even mention the house dress, eewwwww!!! I just think as women we need to look at ourselves and instead of making demands, we should lead by example or just shut up and take what we get.

Test said...

Rosie boo, where have you been? I love your actually had me lol'ing. Okay, I must confess. We all do tend to get comfy but me, personally, I start off with the granny panties and upgrade to the thongs and the crotchless....;-) Gotta keep them wanting and if you start off towards the bottom of the totem pole, there's nowhere else to go but up, right?

I do have a moo-moo but I have gotten comfy enough to wear it and the rest is history. Lesson learned. I must say though that I have learned that you have to keep it fresh. We women want the men to keep the fire going and keep it fresh but we fall short. Message received, loud and clear Mrs. Burke. And I know you've got that together over there....that's why Mr. Burke is always smiling. Congrats girl! <3

Rose said...

Thanks for the congrats woman, I did tie the know on Feb 6 of this year, was trying to re-do the wedding in JA but it's kinda falling apart, I am hopping on a flight to JA in 22 days though, trying to be a jet setter like you on a budget of course. lol

Anyhoo, back to keeping it fresh. I had to learn the hard way about keeping it fresh. I have lost men to younger girls, bigger girls, skinner girls, nappy head girls, white girls, black girls, in between girls and trust me the list goes on. About 7 years ago I found myself single so I reviewed every failed relationship and I started to look at men differently realizing what a complicated being they are. I am now confident enough to say I know what it takes to keep a man happy and if he says he is not happy with me, then there is definitely something wrong with him. tehehehe

Test said...

You know what I love about you put your man on front street. You brag about him. YOu let the world know he's your king and us women need to do the same thing. Let him know he's yours and you love him and he may do the same thing right back.

I too have lost loves and love interests to all different chicks but then I thought about it. He wasn't mine in the first place or he/they would have stayed. You stay young and spry with yours my girl and make him happy so that he can do the same for you. And, yes, if he doesn't know he has the bomb chick, then, Mr. Burke, you better go get your head checked ;-)

Congrats again. Mek sure you come a mine when it happen.

Test said...

You know what I love about you put your man on front street. You brag about him. YOu let the world know he's your king and us women need to do the same thing. Let him know he's yours and you love him and he may do the same thing right back.

I too have lost loves and love interests to all different chicks but then I thought about it. He wasn't mine in the first place or he/they would have stayed. You stay young and spry with yours my girl and make him happy so that he can do the same for you. And, yes, if he doesn't know he has the bomb chick, then, Mr. Burke, you better go get your head checked ;-)

Congrats again. Mek sure you come a mine when it happen.