Wednesday, August 15, 2012

My smiles sometimes belie the pain....I fake well

She has the most beautiful smile and a great sense of humor and if you look through her FB albums, there is not one picture where her pearly whites aren't aglow. But, what you don't' know is that her heart bleeds, her mind tears and her nights are restless with regret and loneliness. She's always there to lend a helping hand and her fingers hold yours tight, letting you know you're not alone. What you don't know is that she longs for the touch of a partner, a lover, a mate. She makes you laugh or at least smile everyday. The life of the party, she is. What you don't know is that she wishes she could roll over and have someone smiling at her. Her eyes shine brightly with a certain va-va-voom for life. What you don't know is how many tears have fallen from those eyes. She gives the best hugs, long and strong. But, what you don't' know is that she wishes someone would just hug her without notice, long and hard.

So often, we share an LOL on Facebook with someone on their post. We leave a text that says good morning and we don't know that we just stopped someone from ending their life. We give each other reasons to smile each day and the days when we don't' make that effort to say hello or I love you, or a simple :-) is the day that person may need it most.

I've met quite a few people on Facebook. I use the word loosely because some of them, I have never physically seen and probably never will. Some I haven't seen in over twenty years. Some just added me because they are a friend of a friend. We all have those. What we don't realize is that because of the decline of physical interaction and the incline of social media, all some people have are their online friends. I was reading a post of a friend of a friend, now my friend, and she was speaking about someone she knew who just took her own life. She said that person seemed happy, was always there for others and seemed full of joy. What she didn't know is the torment that young lady was going through. We never know....and those who need it most, never do tell.

It takes nothing to say hello! It takes some effort but costs nothing to forgive. It doesn't hurt to drop a good morning or a smile. And with the decline of phone calls these days, it doesn't hurt to send that friendly text. Life is too short, my friends, and for some, the struggle is on a daily basis. Some fight so many demons, so often, alone, so painfully and the nights are long and hard....lonely and terrifying. We were placed on this Earth for each other and not everyone is lucky enough to have that one person in their lives who is always there for them, so lets reach out, EVERYDAY! You never know how many lives you have saved and will save. Let's all continue to be heroes.

1 Love everybody....for real!

1 comment:

G said...

Great post K! Food for thought. Here's a hello and a smile for you.