Tuesday, October 25, 2011

No, I'm not a Lesbian. I just love my women!!!!

Ain't Nothing Like Girl Power! Nothing!!!

As a woman, it’s hard having female friends. I know you’ll say, ‘I have tons of female friends’. I’m not talking about the girls you went to college with, or the ladies at the beauty salon or even those you see when they come into town for Homecoming. I’m not talking about the girls at your job or the ones who call you up to go clubbing. I’m talking about the women in your life who you can open up to, who you can truly be yourself with, who you can trust to be themselves with you. I was told a long time ago that you only truly need one real girlfriend but if you’re blessed enough to have more, you’re so much richer for it. I was! ;-)

I’ve been lucky to have had some special women in my life. What’s been so wonderful is that they all came at different stages in my life. These women grew up with me, not all at the same time however. God sent them to me at pinnacle points of my growth process and I’m happy to say I hold a special bond in my heart for each and every one of them.

I’ve had my BFFs. I know you’re saying, ‘Kelly, how do you have BFFs’? Well, like I said, they came at different stages in my life and what’s funny is that I lost all but one of them for many years but God has seen it fit to bring us back together. Funny stories-all of them J Oh ladies!!!!

I have two wonderfully close friends who I went to college with, who understand my qualms and offer up good memories every time we talk, which is not very often.
And, I have a few girlfriends who encourage me from afar. These women have come back into my life via FB and we’ve just connected splendidly across the waves.
What’s crazy about this whole thing is that I don’t get to see my ladies. We all live in different places, save for one (who will be moving out of the country soon too) but that string of camaraderie, laughter and love keep us together.

To all my beautiful sisters, this is a shout out to you!!!!! Can you figure out which one you are?

I met Ms. Sweet as Pie when I was, uhm, a long time ago. I was back in Jamaica and attending Mo-Bay High. We lived about three minutes from each other and I wish someone would have tried to separate us. Oh, we weren’t having it. And not only were we besties but we took it to a whole new level. We asked a friend of ours to cut us and yep, we did the ‘blood sister’ thing. I guess ignorance is bliss because we didn’t consider any evils. We didn’t think anything of it. It seemed natural and to this day, we still talk about it. We lost touch for twenty years….yep, twenty years and FB brought us back together….and it’s like no time has passed. We just clicked like we clicked when we’d chase boys together. Funny thing is that we’re both still ‘chasing’ boys, without the chase, that is. Both single and refusing to settle. Hilarious. I hope to see her soon so I can get one of those big ole hugs she’s good for. She lives in Florida but that’s just a plane ride away.
--What’s great about her? Everything. She’s beautiful, sweet and honest to a fault.

Ms. Longevity and I met in Bronx Community College. We're talking seventeen years. I had my screw face on and we were in music class. This chick right here-I love her to death. She IS the bomb diggidy! We lived about three minutes away and nary was a day we didn’t see each other. What’s funny is that we’d always not be talking to each other-to this day, we don’t know why. But, even though we would never be talking to each other, we’d go to school together, eat together and I wish someone would mess with the other one. This broad, makes me laugh soooo hard and there’s never a time I think about her that a smile or a chuckle doesn’t cross my lips. No one but us would ever understand what we're talking about. We've got our own code that not even teh CIA can crack-and they've tried ;-) Yeah, we’ve been through some stuff and she’s preparing me for motherhood. I haven’t seen her in about ten years and I can’t wait to see her soon. I just don’t want to go to Buffalo during a snow storm.
-What’s great about her? Everything-especially that she has no qualms about telling me she loves me and she makes me feel so good about telling her too. She’s so loving and openly demonstrates that and she’s the one person who I would feel comfortable opening up to emotionally-endless hugs and ‘I love you’s’ for no reason. We don’t need one. Love you girl!

My Sista-Soldier and I met in college. We hated each other. Not sure why. Had no reason to. Didn’t even know each other. What brought us together? The same thing that has now torn us apart. Mr. Wrong. But, you know what, the fifteen years I’ve known her have been quite a trip. We’ve had so many ups and very few downs. The problem is that our downs are brutal. They cut deep and that’s because what we’ve shared goes very deep….to the core and she’s the only person who knows me well enough to dig that deep and I’m the only person who knows her well enough to cause an effect. She’s great. She’s always been there for me and I’ve tried my best to be there for her. But, this last time, things became irreparable-for now, at least. She’s been through a lot but you know what’s good? She is strong and without me, she’ll get stronger. I hope so. I hope that our separation is worth it. Afterall, I didn't get this damn tattoo for nothing! Forever, we said, right!? So take this time and we'll meet up when fate deems us ready-AGAIN! I guess she didn’t need me to go to Pittsburgh this time. Sista soldier, I love you, always will and I guess this is our season of separation.
-What’s great about her? Everything-especially her giving nature. That giving nature is also her only weakness.

Ms. Sardonic was THE best roommate one could ask for. Now, this roommate has become a very good friend. Sardonic has that dry humor and sarcasm that just makes me smile. I love it. Don’t you ever change girl. I love you just the way you are. This tough army chick is really very sensitive-to me at least. Shhh, I won’t tell anyone you’re really a softie. That will be our little secret. This chica here taught me about chiggers and I’ll be the first to say I’m in no rush to go to Texas so she’ll just have to meet me in Paris or Italy. We don’t get to talk to each other much but our communication is remarkable-and it’s only getting better. It’s been 10 years since I saw this chick and dammit woman, let’s fix that!!!!
-What’s great about her? Everything-especially how great she has the tendency to make me feel. She always knows just when I need that boost. Sardonic, you’re my girl, girl!

Ms. Philosophical lives in Chester. Where the hell is that? Pennsylvania and it’s been ten years since I saw her. She’s going to be a tough one to see but I’ll do my best to make it happen. I miss our hang out times. We met in college and didn’t really bond until after. We hardly talk now. Months may go by without any communication but man, when we catch each other, we’re talking hours of crazy talk and catching up. And I love her. She’s such a sweetheart and you want advice? She’s got you on that too-always. One of the best people I know-a heart of gold-and a mind like a steel trap.
-What’s great about her? Everything-especially how she never judges. She is always ready to offer her advice and even ram it down your throat but what’s crazy is that she’s always right, even is she’s usually too late.

It was back in high school, Westwood High to be exact, that I met Ms. Positive and she hasn’t changed one bit. She’s still that wonderful, genuine, positive person I met back then. Not to mention she’s downright gorgeous-just as gorgeous as she was in high school. I haven’t seen her since, uhn, yeah, that long, maybe twenty two years and just like that FB brought us back together. Gotta plan a Jamaica trip to see you or one when you come here-or dammit, anywhere for that matter. Let me tell you about her. A more positive person you’ll never meet. She is so encouraging and never has there been a day that she didn’t have something good to say, post or respond to. So, I travel for work and I had a knack of writing funny post about my travels. Ms. Positive took that and offered up some advice. Why don’t you start a blog and see if it can grow into something monetary. And I’m doing just that and you best believe that if it ever takes off, she’s surely getting her due royalty. Girl, you make me feel like I could move mountains on days when I can barely get over the hill and I love you for that. Don’t you dare ever change.
-What’s great about her? Everything-especially the fact that she never seems to have a bad day-and if/when she does, the whole world doesn’t know about it. She doesn’t entertain drama and a more classy woman one will never meet. You go girl!!!

Ms. Motivator thinks I’m funny as ish. But, no, that’s not why she’s special to me. The reasons are too numerous but some stand out. She’s a real lover and believes in fairytales. And she’ll get her fairytale, once she realizes what I already know about her. She’s fantastic, funny, beautiful, loving, sweet, kind, a great mom, wonderful mate and overall just the cat’s meow! She’ll get that confidence back too once she gives herself that kick in the ass and takes my advice and just go, go, go-have that me day-have the extra piece of umph pie. Girl, you’re special and don’t you let anyone tell you or convince you otherwise. You had one big bump but don’t you dare let that stop you from getting through it and living again. And man, don’t you know how to make a gal feel great. If I were a comedian, I’d want you in the front row because girl, you have me thinking I’m funnier than Dave Chapelle.
-What’s great about her? Everything-especially how modest she is. I’m gonna have to get her a mirror so she can see what I see. I’ll bring it to Florida when I come to visit J If only you really knew how much you motivate me-maybe then I could motivate you ;-0

So, Ms. Down for Whatever is leaving the country and will she be missed? You damn right she will but I believe the lines of communication will not be severed and besides, I already have a trip planned, so you better not mess that up J This mamacita here is quite a prize. Her sarcasm and wit-unmatchable. I haven’t known her for long but it sure feels like it. Easy to talk to and just OPEN. Open to listening and sharing. Great qualities and her husband is a lucky man for snagging her. Always on it? Yes, she is. Let there be something I need answered or problem solved-she’s on it like nobody’s business. And she’s dependable. Yeah, we went skydiving together. Now who else would trust me enough to take me up on such a random suggestion? And do we have fun!? Uhm, yeah-she’s Ms. Down for Whatever, right? So, if she’s around, the party has begun. Did I mention her insane obsession/love for shoes like me? Oh girl, how I’m going to miss you ;-( And does she have attitude!? Love it!
-What’s great about her? How about Everything-especially her style and flare. But, seriously, she’s just great, fun, and one of the sweetest ppl I know. Don’t you let that hot weather change you ;-)

So, my ladies are nowhere close to where I am but they’re close to my heart and I treasure then. Ladies, if I haven’t told you lately, I’m telling you now. You’re appreciated. You’re loved. You’re special. You’re fantastic and I love you for being YOU!

Forget Charlie: You’re My angels!!!!


Marcia said...

awww i just had to comment and let you know you just brought a tear to my eye! and you know i'm the silent lurker here on your blogs LOL
so many people fail to see how important female friends are (real friends!!) to us females. great post as always chica.
love you too :)

Test said...

Hey, I'm just telling the truth sista! But, I'm glad you liked ;-) Gonna miss ya but adventures like that don't come around everyday and uhm, it forces me to take a trip, huh? Can't wait.

Stacy said...

Awww...Kels! This is truly beautiful! Thanks Sis! Love right back at ya! You've always had a talent for writing so I'm glad you're doing this. It's always great to know how the ones you love feel about you so thank you for sharing love :)

Test said...

Muah Stace :-)

Anonymous said...

i waited a mth to read parts of this sorry i no finish .i wait for nex post..more spice

Test said...

Anonymous? As is SDS? Girl, u too much. *kiss teet*

sardonicswag said...

So I'm gonna go all After School Special on ya and say, we are lucky to have us . To have such a weird understanding and make each other laugh the way that we do.. We keep one another young!!
And don't worry about sista solja.. You two will be talking like nothing happened again.
Much respect to all the ladies on the list. We are all truly blessed. :D

Test said...

So, Sardonic, check it. I'm the lucky one...okay, you gals are lucky too.

But, on another note. I'm okay with SS. Things are this way because they should be. I'm so okay with it. I just had to include her because she was a big part of my life. But, all's well.

So, I'm planning a Paris/Italy, etc. trip for next May. Holla at ya girl.

Anonymous said...

I found myself in there :) Today, more than any other day I am so thankful for your acknowledgement...
And on the question of moving mountains - YES WE CAN!!!

Test said...

@ Simi: Yes, we can! :-)

Unknown said...
