Thursday, October 13, 2011

It's always time for ME....time!


It is all about me! For me at least ;-) And why shouldn't it be? I'm all I've got, in terms of permanency that is.  And if it's not all about me, then who is it going to be about? If I don't perch on that pedestal, then how will others know where to look ;-)? I work hard, so I play hard and I offer no apologies nor explanations for that. And, if you don't like it, kick rocks :-)

I have been told that I've changed in the last two years. Damn right I have! I've learned how to appreciate life a lot more. Instead of saying, 'I'll do this ONE DAY', I'm planning it right now.
* Note to self: Update Bucket List.

As a single woman, it's key to spoil yourself. It's key to knowing that you are worth that spa visit, that vacation just because, that shopping spree. Right now, I don't really have someone who'll do those things for me or even with me (well no one who's claimed that spot). I buy my own roses and take myself out on dates (till my date card starts to florish again). I treat myself and I plan on doing so more often. I used to do for others and forget to do for myself. *Shaking finger* Uh uh, no more!

Because I work so hard, I always try to take time to relax, to rejuvinate, to get back to ME. Every woman should do that, single or not. We lose our umph and sometimes forget how to get it back. Just take some time for yourself and it'll all fall into place. Don't let anyone tell you that you're overdoing it, that you're too flashy, that you're showing off. Do you and tell them to do them! As Diddy Dirty Money would say, 'don't watch me, watch TV'. Okay, you can go ahead and watch me, but don't hate me because of what you THINK I have going on. You don't know my struggles. You don't know my story, so don't try to edit my book.
Take now for example. I've been pulling in some crazy 15 hour days at work, averaging 3-3 1/2 hours of sleep a night, knots in my shoulder and back, stress building behind my eyes and between my ears. All I want is to be able to go home and sleep. All I'd love is to go home and have someone cater to me. But, alas, being single does not offer up that prize. And, so, I must find my own little oasis and take care of ME.
Me-time has become very important to me. Back in the days, it was OUR time and since of late I've realized that it wasn't even OUR time; it was more like HIS time, funded by me (financially, physically and emotionally). And I thought I was okay with that. Now, years later, I have something to compare. Now, I see that I had made it all about someone else for so long that I had completely lost myself. Well, I'm on a mission to find myself again....and as Diddy Dirty Money would say once again, "Can't stop, won't stop!"

So, I'm planning a 'did she just get up and go?' vacay. I'd love some company but I don't want to be too pushy. I don't want to seem needy. So, unless I get that vibe and unless the hints are 'clear hints'-(oxymoron), then, I'll go it alone. [I guess it's not ME-TIME if someone else is there, huh? But I so love 'your' company]. Anyhoo, I'll take a weekend and go relax somewhere and rejuvinate because God knows I need it. Damn, I deserve it ;-) And when I get back, I just may be 'brand new' and start acting 'brand new' too. LOL. Hey, so goes it sometimes, right? Let's roll the dice on that one and see what sticks.

Ladies and gentlemen, treat yourself-treat yourself often. Notice that you tend to be so quick to help others and when it comes time to do for yourself, you get flustered, you wonder if it's too much, you make a big deal about it because there's something else you could be doing with that money. And, Kelly is not saying that it has to cost an arm and a leg, nor does it have to cost at all, just take time for you. Life is too damn short and people are falling like flies, so if you're so blessed to have someone in your life who makes you tingle and whose presence makes your space a little warmer, turn that ME-TIME into WE-TIME ;-)
Just saying
♥   How much do you love yourself? Take this quiz and see:

  Do you love yourself? QUIZ
1. Are you your number 1 fan?
2. Does your significant other respect you? How do you know?
3. Do you not waste time thinking everyone’s out to get you?
4. Do you fall in love freely?
5. Do you know you deserve to be loved?
6. Do you make loving choices about what you put into your body and strive for good health?
7. Do you know that holding grudges only destroys you mentally and emotionally?
8. Do you know that love hurts sometimes … and that it’s okay?
9. Do you treat strangers the way you want to be treated?
10. Do you realize that you have to give in order to get (in terms of love, respect and time)?
11. Are you willing to do your part to stay in a loving relationship.
12. Do you know it's okay and feels wonderful to say 'I love you'?
13. Do you tell those you care about that you care about them?
14. Do you accept and love the way you look? (Tricky one)
15. Does the person you're 'with' know you care for them?
16. Do you think of ways to treat yourself?

If you answered “no” to any of the questions above, you have some work to do. If you don’t treat yourself with respect, love and pride … how can you expect others to do the same? Here are a few tips to get you started down the right path:

♥   So, how do I make it all about you?

1.Start by waking up every day and saying something positive to yourself. “You’re beautiful.” “You’re smart.” You’re worth it.” You won’t believe how powerful these tiny words can be. And by starting off on a positive note, you’re preparing yourself for a loving, happy day.
2.Don’t settle! Don’t settle in your job. Don’t settle in your personal relationships. Don’t settle anywhere! You’re only holding yourself back and telling yourself that you’re not good enough.

3.Expect the best. When you expect to have loving, kind, fulfilling relationships, you will. The right person will be drawn to you. Allow this to be your new norm and watch how your life changes.

4.Secrets are no good (at least not when it comes to this). It’s important to realize that if you’re keeping secrets about your relationships or other aspects of your life, it’s not a good sign. If you are proud of your significant other or the way your life is headed, you’d be more than willing to share your success with your friends and family. By keeping it a secret, you subconsciously (or consciously) realize that it’s not the direction you should be heading. Take it as a sign.

One Love y'all. Stay safe, live big and love large


Anonymous said...

Am terrible at taking care of me! Lawks. Know I should but like you said, somn else always seems more important. Def gotta work on that! - StacianDavidSpen

Test said...

I feel you girl. Trust me. That's why I'm doughnut now-before I'm not able to. Wish I could pass on some motivation to you. Okay, let me get my plan in action.

sardonicswag said...

Man, i need to take your advice!! i am horrible at me time.. :{