Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Letting go of single

I think this it is. I think I've come to the end of this journey and am ready to begin the next. It's quite possible that because I was dwelling so much on being single, I remained just that. LOL. My inspiration for beginning this blog 'Thirty-something, single and sensational (most of the time) a year ago (wow! An entire year has gone by), is also my reason for ending it. What a journey! I learned so much about me from him and I'll just say 'Thank you' and wish us both well. 

"He said I was UNIQUE. I guess he didn't like rare gems. He told me mine was the most beautiful smile he'd ever seen. I guess he wasn't a fan of world wonders. He said he loved my company but I guess happiness made him uncomfortable. He said he loved me but I guess words are cheap and I'm never going to be on sale."

So, here I am, ready to keep it moving, ready to take a chance on life again. I pride myself on being strong; well, I try to be but what people don't know is just how sensitive I am, how emotional I am...okay, maybe you all know ;-) What I do and will continue to do, is bring joy to others because I know my joy will come. Wait, it was always here. I just have to learn how to recognize it instead of pulling closer to me, things that are so obviously not for me.

Here's the irony of it all. This entire time I thought I was single, my heart had been filled with every type of love I could ever want.

Platonic love: 

I had my girls who kept it light and jovial way past midnight. The midnight Divas are a hoot and a holler. These two dolls never missed a beat and always knew when their girl needed time away and when I needed to be pulled right back in. Their love has kept me in stitches and brought a few tears. My wish for this pair is the same I have for myself. Peace----in everything we do. Let's not go chasing. It will come to us. 

My ladies from across the seas, who dropped off inspiration, whether it be a long distance text to tell me "Kellz, whatever the plan; wherever the road on your journey turns; God is with you! Continue to bask in his blessings" or a message to tell me their line is open, not to mention those doggie inspired pics, randomly placed on my page, these two always knew when. My wish for these two is the same I have for myself. Continued happiness----continue to hold close the joy we see in the simple things of life. Life is just too special. 

There's a special lady or two who dropped off inspiration and a poke almost everyday and hitting that 'like' button to say 'hey, I got you'. A twenty-two year old letter, strategically timed and placed to show that friendship, no matter how much time has passed, lasts forever. Westwoodites forever, it seems :-) We were  special group. My wish for you two is the same I have for myself. Continue to inspire and reach out----you never truly know when your words might be just that boost that someone else needs.

The students have become the teachers. My boys from years back, now grown men, who taught me how to keep my smile, no matter what. J, you're a special one and I adore you, you know that. Come back safely to us and we'll have our reunion in Florida, just like you asked. We'll have to come up with an acronym for our initials (K.I.J.K). How about Keeping It Just Kool? Corny, huh? Hey, not much has changed. I still got it! :-) My wish for you three is the same I have for myself. Continue to let laughter in and out----and it burns calories. 

My people right here in the Atl, who I run into sporadically. Life interrupts life but I know that each of you have your happiness. I feel it radiating each time we run into each other, whether it be at Zumba ;-), Yardhouse, Mingles, DC (crazy that we met all the way there), the movies, game night or on FB. My wish for you is the same I have for myself. Longevity---in love and in life. By the way, can we have a doggone game night already? 

I have to head on over to the West Coast to see these chicas. We're due another Shenanigan(sp). Funny how life works. Our paths crossed for work but that bond, still strong like crazy glue. I guess you don't have to speak to someone everyday or even every week to know you've still got it. My wish for you two. XOXO Dexter paws, forever---we got this. 

So, I met a work of 'ART' this year on FB and little does he know that he's been added to my collection of precious items. Your highness knights you. My wish for you is the same wish I have for myself. Keep walking with God and let him and only him determine your happiness. 

There's a Dove flying wild in California and we both know a man named Jesus. My wish for you is the same wish I have for myself. Continue to be grateful----the blessings will continue to come and in abundance. 

Limerence as love:

O, O, O, how beautiful it was and will remain in my heart. You'll always have a special place in my heart and one day, I'll drop by and meet you under Big Ben ;-) We can compare tattoos then. My wish for you is the same wish I have for myself. Love---the real kind, that makes you giddy and weak. You know what I'm talking about ;-)

Feeling 'Phil-anthropic for this person. More than you know, you're appreciated. You were there during a really rough patch and then we drifted, or rather,  I did but guess what, you know me still love you. Soon come visit. And, that's a promise. My wish for you is the same wish I have for myself. Success---in every facet of your life. We talked about our plans and dreams. Let's bring them into reality. 

Unconditional love: 

You all know how I adore my brothers and the kind of love they show their older 'brother' (as they call me) is relentless...tough at times but always consistent. Dag, getting emotional about it. Done. My wish for you is the same wish I have for myself. Prosperity, in every facet of your lives. Hiyo!

My cuz(es)..yeah, I made that up. We have some time to catch up on but guess what, we took the first step this year and saw each other after decades *sigh*. Sky's the limit and though we're all far apart, you know where I've got you. My wish for you two is the same wish I have for myself. Patience---in all you do. We are all where we're supposed to be right now. God makes no mistake. In time.......

We grew up together, from 'we eye deh a we knee' and though we've all gone on and broken up the TMNT group, we still have turtle power. My wish for you is the same wish I have for myself. Family---extended or otherwise. Reach out and pull that love matter how far apart you all are. 

If Dex could only read! Sheesh. That little critter melts my heart. My wish for him is the wish I have for myself and everyone else. Unbridled love---may we all find the kind of love that I have for this dude. 

Keish, you know you live in the cockles of my heart and since you're in there, just look around and read what I won't bother to write. I love you girl. My wish for you is the same wish I have for myself. Knee-buckling happiness, where your cheekbones bend from weariness. You started my journey with me and if you read the contract, you promised to be there till the end. 

Now, when you have love like this coming at you from all angles, how can you feel single. The big man sent you angels my way and I love each one of you, in my own special way. So, goodbye to 'Thirty-something, single and sensational (most of the time)'. I'm gonna go for 'all the time'. Hope you all enjoyed this little journey and feel free to come on back and reread and comment on the old blogs. I'm a ham for my writing.

See you in the next chapter.....which starts in about......NOW!!!!!

1 Love everybody